Monday, July 28, 2008

M-Fuge: Tuesday Worship

Let me start off by saying that Scott, the preacher guy, totally rocked my face off. God spoke loads of blissful info. through him. It was pretty sweet. Okay so...the staff put a lot of emphasis on the reverence of our worship services. Send off & worship were like night and day which was a great thing. There is a time to dance, dance, dance crazy-like for our Lord and then there is a time to totally humble ourselves at His feet & let Him speak to us. Worship was definitely the latter of these two.

He preached out of the book of Ecclesiastes...around the second chapter...verses 1-18 or so. He started off this amazing message with an illustration. He brought out a shovel and told us of a time when he tried to dig to China....obviously it didn't happen. The bible story was of Solomon. The man who had everything...and realized that life was nothing without Christ. NOTHING! This book starts off by saying everything is meaningless...kinda gets ya down until you realize the truthfulness of the statement. Completely MEANINGLESS without Christ. Scott left us with a challenge to stop being mere fans of Jesus Christ, and actually be followers.

This message broke me down. I realized that I was being a fan...and that I was depending on myself too much. I decided to give it ALL to Him. Everything. I give up, I told Him. I don't want my life to be meaningless anymore. I want my life to have substance, and the only way I can get that is through you Lord.

Tuesday Worship = Changed lifestyle for Jessie :D

Sunday, July 27, 2008

M-Fuge: Day Two

This was the first official day of M-Fuge. Its was the first day that we went to site. Since I was chosen to be in Social, the sites that I was assigned to varied. On this particular day we went to the local Food Bank. This puppy was GINORMOUS. When we got there we went into the break room and Bret, the manager, explained what the organization was all about and what we were going to do to help. The Food Bank is an outreach used to feed hungry families all over the St. Louis area. Our job was to assemble the boxes that were to be given away. We were on a miniature assembly line and every person had a specific job. Mine was to put two HUGE cans of tomato juice in the far corners of these card board boxes. (Note: I went into this camp hating tomatos and nothing has changed since I've come out.) Besides the fact that my hands were a mite sore, this was fun. I was next to two guys named Clayton & James the whole day...they were pretty stinkin amazing. Anywho...It's amazing how God works behind the scenes. I got to experience one way He does this. Through Food Banks. I was truly blessed, and I didn't think the day could get any better-Then worship started and I could see that God wasn't quite done with me yet...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

M-Fuge: Day One

...when we pulled into the parking lot some of the staffers were there waiting on us. Brandon had made a sign that said "The Heights", and we got to break through it with our haus of a van. These guys were totally prepared for the week. It was so organized. We got off the van and went to registration. The adults disappeared somewhere while we chose our tracks. My first choice was Social, then games & rec, then children. We then unpacked & hit the local Target before supper. After supper we went to our first worship service which was amazing. This was when God started dealing with me about being in the mission field. Scott's message made me realize that I was being a fan, not a follower of Jesus. I knew that I wasn't spreading the word enough. Then we went to our track groups. I got my first choice: Social a.k.a. Guinea!!! We went to our room and familiarized ourselves and began to prepare for the week. Here's a shout out to Meredith...our group leader. She made us all feel so comfortable. We were practly like a family before we left that room two hours later. This was the first day of M-Fuge && I could feel God working in my life already. But I had no idea how much was in store for me before the week was over.

Monday, July 21, 2008

M-Fuge Begins: The Trip Over

Let me start off by saying that Ricky likes being early for everything. This is just a speculation that I made since we were the first church to show up at M-Fuge. (Although later in the week he was late for worship...but he'll tell you all about that in his blog). Anyhow...getting up before 6 was totally worth it because our church group had some definite "bondage" time on the way over. We may have been on the brink of unconciousness but we were united as one. Savannah is the one who I got to know better on our way there. I now know that she likes to drink Naked, she enjoys listening to Paramore, and she IS able to survive without her cell phone. I love her. Well...we got to St. Louis around hmmm....11:30 maybe? I don't remember. When we pulled into the parking lot something AMAZING hapenned,....TO BE CONTINUED

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Beginning of Something Great

I was told by a certain someone that I needed to blog everyday for the next month about my experiences at M-Fuge. So, I'm going to give it my best shot. I guess this is the introductory to my series of M-Fuge blogs. Its 11:45p.m. so I'm not going to go into great detail tonight but prepare yourself for some deep thoughts in my later blogs. I'll end this short introduction by saying that God has reached down and picked me up. I've finally found complete rest in His arms.

My life is nothing

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Lesson Learned

I had a spiritual moment last night. I was just laying in my bed praying for one of my friends when I started crying. It's the second time in my life when I REALLY felt the presence of God. That never happenned when I would pray for myself or things that would profit me...only when I was pleading for God to work in someone else's life. It was unexplainable.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Everyday we wake up into this same world and do the same things over and over and over....It gets boring always knowing what is next. I'm tired of the same old same old. I pray that God does something radical in my life. Suspense would be nice for once. I want to be the person who is ridiculed and thought weird for how crazy I am about Christ. Sometimes I just want to scream at the top of my lungs with worship.... Some of it comes out on occasion but that's not enough. What do I want to do with my life? I'm not sure...maybe go into the ministry...go over seas. Do a "normal" job??? hmmm....What I do know is that I'm only passing through. I'm a traveler...and I don't need to cling to any earthly posessions, just work for my eternal prize. I'm also an athlete. I need to run the race like only one person can win, can get through the narrow gate. I wanna leave you with one thought...from the mouth of Wes.
It's not what YOU do that get's you through that narrow gate, but what He has DONE.