Thursday, June 5, 2008

Normal Deviation

1. I'm officially in a new relationship. This is totally new to me. I've never had a "real" boyfriend. A few months ago, during TLW, I made a committment to myself & God to not date until I found a guy who was closer to Him than I was. I've found him. The guy (I'm not going to give his name) is really sweet && he is in love with The Lord. I don't know how this is going to pan out...I guess only time will tell. But one thing is for sure. If this relationship takes my focus away from God at any point it will end. That is the last thing that I want to happen. I need to PROVE my faith & I think that me & this guy will be able to help eachother do just that.

2. My grandparents are in N.C. : ( I miss them a lot.

3. Sleepover tonight at Mallory's house! I get to be in the Passion Play!!!

4. Did women paint their toenails in biblical times? Oh well. No one will be able to see from that far away anyhow.

1 comment:

PawPaw said...


Keep the FAITH.
Love the LORD.
Make all decisions prayfully.
Always remember, your PawPaw loves you with all his heart.
